
Serializer extensions allows your API to re-use your serializers to fit a variety of use cases. Take the following serializers:

class OwnerSerializer(SerializerExtensionsMixin, ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Owner
        fields = ('id', 'name')
        expandable_fields = dict(

With no changes, our endpoint returns:

>>> GET /owner/x4F/
  "id": 'x4F',
  "name": 'tyrell',
  "organization_id": 'kgD'

We can expand our ForeignKey to organization:

>>> GET /owner/x4F/?expand=organization
  "id": 'x4F',
  "name": 'tyrell',
  "organization_id": 'kgD',
  "organization": {
    "id": "kgD",
    "name": "E Corp"

And our many relationship to cars:

>>> GET /owner/x4F/?expand=cars
  "id": 'x4F',
  "name": "tyrell",
  "organization_id": 'kgD',
  "cars": [
      "id": "wf9",
      "variant": "P100D",
      "model_id": "ncX"

We can perform nested expansion:

>>> GET /owner/x4F/?expand=cars__model__manufacturer
  "id": 'x4F',
  "name": "tyrell",
  "organization_id": 'kgD',
  "cars": [
      "id": "wf9",
      "variant": "P100D",
      "model": {
        "id": "ncX",
        "name": "Model S"
        "manufacturer_id": "qMn",
        "manufacturer": {
          "id": "qMn",
          "name": "Tesla"

We can exclude certain fields

>>> GET /owner/x4F/?expand=cars__model__manufacturer&exclude=name,cars__id
  "id": 'x4F',
  "organization_id": 'kgD',
  "cars": [
      "variant": "P100D",
      "model": {
        "id": "ncX",
        "name": "Model S"
        "manufacturer_id": "qMn",
        "manufacturer": {
          "id": "qMn",
          "name": "Tesla"

Or include only the ones we want

>>> GET /owner/x4F/?expand=cars__model__manufacturer&only=name,cars__model__manufacturer__name
  "name": "tyrell",
  "cars": [
      "model": {
        "manufacturer": {
          "name": "Tesla"

These examples all use query parameters to modify the response, individual views can interact with your serializers in much the same way.